Picnic day was so much fun! It was a little chilly outside so students ate picnic style in the cafeteria. They really enjoyed eating lunch with friends and their stuffed animals.
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Picnic day
Picnic day
Picnic day
Picnic day
Great job to all the December Students of the Month!
over 5 years ago, JoAnne Lamas
Student on stage
Student accepting his award
student with her award and book
students picking out books
Congratulations to our students of the month. They were chosen for showing fairness.
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Fairness student of the month
Students enjoying quiet reading time in the Barrington library
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Reading time
Picnic Day is this Friday, December 14th. Students can bring a teddy bear and a blanket. We will also be serving a circus cookie to the students.
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Picnic Day
Mrs. D’s joke of the day...
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Joke of the day
Students picking out shoes at "The Rack"
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Henley
Shoe Shopping
Students shopping for shoes
Congratulations to Mr. Felber's class for winning the most Barrington spirit on Friday!
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Henley
Mr. Felber's class has spirit!
Hour of Code at Barrington
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Henley
Hour of Code
Hour of Code at Barrington.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Henley
Hour of Code
Fourth and fifth graders enjoy coding with dash and dot robots at lunch. They constructed a train to transport the baby robots. Then programmed a route to follow. So cool!
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Barrington students are doing amazing at their FootSteps2Brilliance challenge from Mr. Fillpot to read 8 million words by March 2, 2019. Keep up the great work Eagles!
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Word Chart
Barrington Eagle Ticket Winners! Congratulations!
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Henley
Eagle Ticket Winners!
Reminder no school November 19-23. Monday November 26 early release 1:25
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Hello Parents and Guardians, “NCLUSD schools are open today. We are closely adhering to recommendations from the Stanislaus County Health Services Agency and will continue to monitor, on an hourly basis, updates from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. We will continue to limit time spent outdoors by students and also cancel all outdoor activities.” Thank you, Estimados Padres y Guardianes, “Las escuelas de NCLUSD están abiertas hoy. Nos adherimos a las recomendaciones de la Agencia de Servicios de Salud del Condado de Stanislaus y continuaremos supervisando, por hora, las actualizaciones del Distrito de Control de Contaminación del Aire del Valle de San Joaquín. Continuaremos limitando el tiempo que pasan los estudiantes al aire libre y también cancelaremos todas las actividades al aire libre.” Gracias
over 5 years ago, Ms. Robles
We will still be having picnic day tomorrow Friday November 16. We will be having it in the cafe and the classrooms due to the air quality outside. Students can bring their blankets and teddy bears.
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
picnic day
Barrington students are participating in the SixFlags reading program. Students can earn a free ticket to SixFlags park. All they have to do to earn the ticket is read and have a parent or guardian sign the reading log and turn it into the teacher by January 11.
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
World Kindness Day is today! Students received a kindness activity if they wanted to participate. Five students who participate will be entered into a drawing on Friday.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Henley
Kindness Matters
Students participating in Kindness Day activity.
No School on Monday November 12 for Veterans Day
over 5 years ago, Barrington Elementary
Barrington Eagles watching "Bully Buster Rides Again" by the Gallo Center.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Henley
Anti-Bully Assembly
"Bully Buster Rides Again" by Gallo